Technology Upgrades Coming July 5th
The Credit Union is working hard behind the scenes to prepare for the biggest technology upgrade we have ever undertaken. We are starting with the launch of our new website this week. The site has easier navigation for all mobile or PC devices and a new look and feel, with all the same information you have come to rely on. The site also has additional security enhancements.
Beginning July 5, 2016, you will see many enhancements to many of the other services you may already use with us. Our goal is to streamline our electronic services to work faster and easier for you. Our e-Banking display will be upgraded with a new platform to manage all of your account information and transactions. We will also bring in a new e-Pay and e-Bill system making paying your bills online even more convenient. Our e-Deposits system will help you see your deposited checks faster so that you can better manage your account balances.
Our branches will see new technology updates as well. Our computer systems will streamline to work together in helping create faster, more efficient transactions when working with one of our employees. You will be able to open accounts and apply for loans faster than ever.
In order to be able to make sure these processes transition seamlessly, we will close our branches early on Friday, July 1 to begin the final stages. All of our branches will remain closed through the weekend, re-opening again on Tuesday, July 5. During this time, our e-Banking platform will also be unavailable online as we switch over this system. We understand this may cause a disruption to your weekend, but we want to ensure these systems work and our employees are trained to use them efficiently. By remaining closed through the weekend, we hope to keep any inconveniences as minimal as possible.
Most of these changes are behind the scenes and will have minimal changes to you. Your account numbers will remain the same; your debit/credit cards, including ATM PINs, will remain the same; your automatic transactions will remain on schedule. We will notify you of any changes that may impact you directly, but we intend on keeping them as few as possible. The technology may be new, but the conveniences you have come to expect will remain the same.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes and how they will affect the way you bank with us, please do not hesitate to call us. Our Contact Center is open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at 860.513.5000 or 800.526.6933. Our employees are ready to help you understand how these upgrades will make your experience with us better than ever.
As this date gets closer, we will communicate even more information for you. Check back soon for even more details.
John Holt
President & CEO