Vehicle Loans
Purchasing a vehicle is an exciting time. But before you hit the road, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting a great rate with flexible terms and affordable monthly payments. With our competitive rates and member-friendly terms, we’ll have you in a new or used vehicle in no time with financing that fits your needs. We can also help you finance some or all of your new or used motorcycle purchase.
Take a look at our great auto and motorcycle loan features!
- Low rates
- Up to 100 percent financing
- Rates based on credit score
- Terms up to seven years
- Pre-approvals
- Loan protection insurance
Recreational Vehicle Loans
Looking to travel, relax or have some fun? Our Recreational Vehicle Loans are perfect for financing sailboats, speedboats, motor homes, trailers, campers and more.
- Low rates
- Up to 100 percent financing
- Rate discounts based on credit score
- Terms up to ten years
- Affordable payments
- Pre-approvals
- Loan protection insurance
- Refinancing available
View our loan rates.
For additional questions, please contact our loan department.